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“Empowering Persons with Disabilities: Unlocking their    Potential for Sustainable Development and a Prosperous Future”

“The inclusion of Persons with Disabilities is an urgent call to action for member states to recognize and demonstrate care, concern, and compassion as a vital aspect of governance, akin to a new economic model. As vital stakeholders, Persons with Disabilities possess unparalleled capacities and capabilities to address the challenges that threaten sustainable development and the well-being of all living beings, if tapped into. With their remarkable abilities, they serve as messengers of peace and prosperity, demonstrating exceptional keen insight, leadership, and expertise in implementing effective practices that promote sustainable development and inspire innovative solutions. Their role is crucial and indispensable, and their contributions are essential for creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all.”

“Member states must empower Persons with Disabilities to participate fully in the cycle of prosperity, recognizing their valuable contributions as stakeholders in technology, education, energy, environment, trade, and investment. This inclusivity is crucial for leaving no one behind and ensuring their voices are heard in global forums, such as the Summit of the Future, to shape a more equitable and sustainable world.”

“The Cycle of Prosperity -6Ps- from People, to Products/Projects, Presence, Places, Power, to Purpose – must be promoted and encouraged to uphold the rights of Persons with Disabilities, ensuring their inclusion and empowerment for a healthy and thriving planet.”


We must empower Persons with Disabilities to share their perspectives and experiences, demonstrating and democratizing inclusive love across generations – past, present, and future – as vital stakeholders shaping influences that build a nation. By doing so, we recognize their voices as essential to shaping our collective future, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society for all.” Lets do it



We must support and empower Persons with Disabilities to develop innovative products and large-scale projects, unlocking their full potential and ownership of the (SDGs). By doing so, we can foster a sense of ownership, agency, and autonomy among this group, mirroring the success of the Global Alliance for Women and Girls Are Asset project, which exemplifies the transformative power of inclusive innovation and showcases the impact of empowering marginalized groups as change-makers.” `



The innovative products and projects developed by Persons with Disabilities serve as a testament to their capabilities, bringing their voices and perspectives to the forefront and establishing them as vital stakeholders in infrastructure development and connectivity. By showcasing their talents and expertise, they demonstrate their capacity to contribute meaningfully to the development process, ensuring that their needs and experiences are integrated into the design and implementation of inclusive infrastructure and connectivity solutions.”


By adopting best practices in inclusive development, we can create thriving communities with sustainable food systems, such as the DoTheDream Youth Development Initiative’s Home Farm project, which promotes self-sufficiency and green economy principles. This approach empowers Persons with Disabilities to contribute to and benefit from local food systems, fostering resilience and well-being.”They are able



The power of purpose driven by inclusivity, innovation, and impact is exemplified by initiatives like the Leadership Library for Government schools in Africa, starting from Nigeria. This model showcases the potential of diverse generations to harness their intrinsic energy and drive progress for Persons with Disabilities, empowering them to forge ahead and achieve their goals.

“In conclusion, the 6Ps cycle empowers Persons with Disabilities to embrace ownership and responsibility as stakeholders, maximizing their impact. As Dr. Lan Ijiwola of the Life Development Center so eloquently put it, ‘Purpose is a living thing worth adopting as a theology of seeing things as they should be, not as they are. Dr. Sam Adeyemi’s words also resonate: ‘In adversity lies advancement,’ and it is time for Persons with Disabilities to harness their potential and birth innovative technologies that foster blossoming economies. By doing so, they will not only improve their own lives but also contribute to a more inclusive and prosperous society. Thank you. 


The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) works under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General to mobilize the world’s universities, think tanks, and national laboratories for action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change; empower societies through free online education; and 

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), under the overall authority of the General Assembly, coordinates the economic and social work of the United Nations and the UN family of organizations. As the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues and for formulating policy recommendations, the Council plays a key role

What is CoNGO (Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations)?

The Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO) is an independent, international membership association founded in 1948, the year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

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