Every February 11 has been designated as the #InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience.
A time to inspire great Women to do more and encourage #girls to see sciences as a living thing in achieving the United Nations #sustainabledevelopmentgoals #SDGs.
Women in Science Leadership: A New Era for Sustainability.
Tackling some of the greatest challenges of the Agenda for Sustainable Development – from improving health to combating climate change – will rely on harnessing all talent. That means getting more women working in these fields. Diversity in research expands the pool of talented researchers, bringing in fresh perspectives, talent and creativity. This Day is a reminder that women and girls play a critical role in science and technology communities and that their participation should be strengthened.
For us in #DoTheDream, we will be hosting two impactful session with School Girls and stake holder especially the #He who believes #She can cause change more as we continue on the great cause – Global Alliance For Women & Girls Are Asset Project #GAWGAAP
Join us at Ayedeere Ajibola Senior High School for a great session with wonderful leaders in the field.
To our Partners, PRO ALLY Waohlife TV AFRICAROLE thank you

Women in Science Leadership: A New Era for Sustainability.
Tackling some of the greatest challenges of the Agenda for Sustainable Development – from improving health to combating climate change – will rely on harnessing all talent. That means getting more women working in these fields. Diversity in research expands the pool of talented researchers, bringing in fresh perspectives, talent and creativity. This Day is a reminder that women and girls play a critical role in science and technology communities and that their participation should be strengthened.
Although Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields are widely regarded as critical to national economies, so far most countries, no matter their level of development, have not achieved gender equality in STEM.
Education for women
Women continue to face significant barriers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics across the globe at all levels of education, regardless of location (STEM). However, despite tremendous progress achieved in boosting women’s involvement in higher education, women continue to be underrepresented in these fields of work. Female empowerment and equality are essential not only for global economic development but also for achieving all aims and ambitions of a nation.
The Commission on the Status of Women released a report on March 14, 2011, following its fifty-fifth session, which contained consensus findings on women and girls’ access to and participation in education, training, research, and technology, as well as on promoting women’s equitable access to full employment and decent work.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
By decision of the United Nations General Assembly on December 22, 2015, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science is observed on the 11th day of February. The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on science, technology, and innovation for development. It recognised the critical role that women and girls of all ages play in ensuring that gender equality and female empowerment are achieved through equal access to and participation in scientific, technological, and innovative fields.
When it comes to accomplishing internationally recognised development targets, scientific and gender equality are critical components of success. In recent decades, the scientific community has made significant efforts to promote and involve women and girls in science and technology. However, women and girls are still denied the opportunity to fully participate in scientific endeavours.
There is still a long way to go before complete equality of rights and opportunities between men and women. As a result, it is critical to put provide equitable access to high-quality education and health care, as well as economic resources and political engagement for both women and girls. Equal access to jobs, leadership roles, and decision-making at all levels is also critical to achieving equality of opportunity.
Source: ketto.org
International day of Girls in Science 2021 was held in with ‘AFRICAROLE’ . The event which feature Girls from Private Schools and Government Schools had the General Manager -Sanofi Folake Odedina as the keynote speaker inspiring young girls all over the world.The founder of DoTheDream YDI Mr Adebusuyi Olutayo Olumadewa did the opening presentation on the importance of Girls Education followed by presentations from student of Triple Cross High School Lagos.
The General Manager Sanofi -Folake Odedina Presentation waoh the students on the road ahead.
Question and answer was handle by the founder -Mr Olumadewa and vote of thanks was deliver by the students of triple cross school.